Wednesday, July 25, 2007


These posters caught my attention. Humor has been defined as truth plus pain...

You can find more at:


Lukas and Gretchen said...

I really did not dig the posters. They seem to be classic fundamentalist straw man humor. Regardless about what I think about the theological issues, fundamental types regularly seem to latch on to cultural things like dress, music, recreation, etc and make the other side seem ridiculous. There are always phunky culutral idiosyncracies that every group has no matter what one's theology. It is kind of wierd to me that the Executive Director of Grace To You would being doing this.


Sean said...

This is below-the-belt punch approach. I find myself in an interesting position because I am in the thick of phunky cultural idiosyncrasies in my work with high school students, college students, young adults, etc.

I think it is important to not take oneself too seriously. I try not to take myself too seriously. Like I said, I think there is some truth in the sarcasm in the text of the posters, it is deserved. Yet, I feel like I identify with those IN the pictures to some extent, maybe because I am with that audience often.

Anywho, for those who are "outside" of the "edgy"-ish people, this is not a way to win them.