Saturday, November 10, 2007

Talk 1...

Wow. I didn't know Erin was going to post the pic and the prayer request, but I'm glad she did! I know lots of people have been praying for me.

The first talk went well. Some buses broke down and some things ran late so I began speaking at 11:56PM. But energy wasn't a problem for me and especially the audience. They were rowdy! In a good way.

I spoke about Luke 5:1-11 where Jesus has Simon put his nets out again even through he had just spent all night without catching one fish. I asked them to be "curious" about Jesus and to really be open to what He might do in their lives.

Tomorrow morning is an important talk. It is about sin and its consequences. The talk basically ends with "sin ruins life on earth and forever... you are going to hell... so have a great afternoon to think about it!" OK not in those exact words but we leave them in sin, without the answer of the cross. So pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit (which is His job, not mine thankfully).

OK I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is a full day.

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